Afghanistan country code is :

00 93 or +93
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Afghanistan.

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How to call Afghanistan ?

To call Afghanistan you need to dial like this : 00 + Afghanistan country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Afghanistan you always need to do 0093 + number, so it looks like 00 93XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 93 country code ?

0093 is Afghanistan country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Afghanistan from another country. This page concern only Afghanistan dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 93 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +93 or like 0093.

Afghanistan cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Afghanistan. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Afghanistan and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Afghanistan country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Abovian- Kotayk province+93(0)222 0093(0)222
Agarak- Syunik province+93(0)286 0093(0)286
Alaverdi- Lori province+93(0)253 0093(0)253
Amasia- Shirak province+93(0)246 0093(0)246
Aparan- Aragatsotn province+93(0)252 0093(0)252
Ararat- Ararat province+93(0)238 0093(0)238
Armavir- Armavir province+93(0)237 0093(0)237
Artashat- Ararat province+93(0)235 0093(0)235
Artik- Shirak province+93(0)244 0093(0)244
Ashotsk- Shirak province+93(0)245 0093(0)245
Ashtarak- Aragatsotn province+93(0)232 0093(0)232
Askeran- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)476 0093(0)476
Baghramian- Armavir province+93(0)233 0093(0)233
Berd- Tavush province+93(0)267 0093(0)267
Chambarak- Gegharkunik province+93(0)265 0093(0)265
Charentsavan- Kotayk province+93(0)226 0093(0)226
Echmiadzin- Armavir province+93(0)231 0093(0)231
Eghvard- Kotayk province+93(0)224 0093(0)224
Gavar- Gegharkunik province+93(0)264 0093(0)264
Goris- Syunik province+93(0)284 0093(0)284
Gyumri- Shirak province+93(0)312 0093(0)312
Hadrut- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)475 0093(0)475
Hrazdan- Kotayk province+93(0)223 0093(0)223
Ijevan- Tavush province+93(0)263 0093(0)263
Jermuk- Vayots Dzor province+93(0)287 0093(0)287
Kajaran- Syunik province+93(0)285 0093(0)285
Maralik- Shirak province+93(0)242 0093(0)242
Martakert- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)474 0093(0)474
Martuni- Gegharkunik province+93(0)262 0093(0)262
Martuni- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)478 0093(0)478
Masis- Ararat province+93(0)236 0093(0)236
Noyemberian- Tavush province+93(0)266 0093(0)266
Sevan- Gegharkunik province+93(0)261 0093(0)261
Shushi- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)477 0093(0)477
Spitak- Lori province+93(0)255 0093(0)255
Stepanakert- Nagorno Karabagh+93(0)471 0093(0)471
Stepanavan- Lori province+93(0)256 0093(0)256
Tashir- Lori province+93(0)254 0093(0)254
Vaik- Vayots Dzor province+93(0)282 0093(0)282
Vanadzor- Lori province+93(0)322 0093(0)322
Vardenis- Gegharkunik province+93(0)269 0093(0)269
Vedi- Ararat province+93(0)234 0093(0)234
Yeghegnadzor- Vayots Dzor province+93(0)281 0093(0)281
Yerevan+93(0)10 0093(0)10

Photos of Afghanistan

Some others countries codes

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