Allemagne country code is :

00 49 or +49
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Allemagne.

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How to call Allemagne ?

To call Allemagne you need to dial like this : 00 + Allemagne country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Allemagne you always need to do 0049 + number, so it looks like 00 49XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 49 country code ?

0049 is Allemagne country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Allemagne from another country. This page concern only Allemagne dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 49 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +49 or like 0049.

Allemagne cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Allemagne. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Allemagne and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Allemagne country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Aachen+49241 0049241
Augsburg+49821 0049821
Bergisch Gladbach+492202 00492202
Berlin+4930 004930
Bielefeld+49521 0049521
Bonn+49228 0049228
Bottrop+492041 00492041
Braunschweig+49531 0049531
Bremen+49421 0049421
Bremerhaven+49471 0049471
Chemnitz+49371 0049371
Cologne+49221 0049221
Cottbus+49355 0049355
Darmstadt+496151 00496151
Dortmund+49231 0049231
Dresden+49351 0049351
Duisburg+49203 0049203
Düsseldorf+49211 0049211
Erfurt+49361 0049361
Erlangen+499131 00499131
Essen+49201 0049201
Frankfurt+4969 004969
Frankfurt am Main+4969 004969
Frankfurt an der Oder+49335 0049335
Freiburg+49761 0049761
Fürth+49911 0049911
Gelsenkirchen+49209 0049209
Gera+49365 0049365
Göttingen+49 0049
Hagen+492331 00492331
Halle+49345 0049345
Hamburg+4940 004940
Hamm+492381 00492381
Hannover+49511 0049511
Heidelberg+496221 00496221
Heilbronn+497131 00497131
Herne+492323 00492323
Hildesheim+495121 00495121
Ingolstadt+49841 0049841
Karlsruhe+49721 0049721
Kassel+49561 0049561
Kiel+49431 0049431
Koblenz+49261 0049261
Krefeld+492151 00492151
Leipzig+49341 0049341
Leverkusen+49214 0049214
Lübeck+49451 0049451
Ludwigsburg+497141 00497141
Ludwigshafen+49621 0049621
Magdeburg+49391 0049391
Mainz+496131 00496131
Mannheim+49621 0049621
Mönchengladbach+492161 00492161
Munich+4989 004989
Munster+49251 0049251
Neubrandenburg+49395 0049395
Neuss+492131 00492131
Nuremberg+49911 0049911
Oberhausen+49208 0049208
Offenbach+4969 004969
Oldenburg+49441 0049441
Osnabrück+49541 0049541
Paderborn+495251 00495251
Pforzheim+497231 00497231
Potsdam+49331 0049331
Recklinghausen+492361 00492361
Regensburg+49941 0049941
Remscheid+492191 00492191
Rostock+49381 0049381
Saarbrücken+49681 0049681
Salzgitter+495341 00495341
Schwerin+49385 0049385
Siegen+49271 0049271
Solingen+49212 0049212
Stuttgart+49711 0049711
Ulm+49731 0049731
Wiesbaden+49611 0049611
Wolfsburg+495361 00495361
Wuppertal+49202 0049202
Würzburg+49931 0049931
Zwickau+49375 0049375

Photos of Allemagne

Some others countries codes

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N° ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code