Finland country code is :

00 358 or +358
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Finland.

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How to call Finland ?

To call Finland you need to dial like this : 00 + Finland country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Finland you always need to do 00358 + number, so it looks like 00 358XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 358 country code ?

00358 is Finland country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Finland from another country. This page concern only Finland dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 358 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +358 or like 00358.

Finland cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Finland. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Finland and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Finland country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Äänekoski+35814 0035814
Alajärvi+3586 003586
Alavus+3586 003586
Björneborg+3582 003582
Borgå+35819 0035819
Ekenäs+35819 0035819
Espoo+3589 003589
Forssa+3583 003583
Haapajärvi+3588 003588
Hämeenlinna+3583 003583
Hangö+35819 0035819
Haukipudas+3588 003588
Heinola+3583 003583
Helsingfors+3589 003589
Helsinki+3589 003589
Imatra+3585 003585
Jakobstad+3586 003586
Jämsä+35814 0035814
Joensuu+35813 0035813
Joutsa+35814 0035814
Jyväskylä+35814 0035814
Kajaani+3588 003588
Kankaanpää+3582 003582
Karleby+3586 003586
Kauhajoki+3586 003586
Kemi+35816 0035816
Kemijärvi+35816 0035816
Kemiö+3582 003582
Kempele+3588 003588
Keuruu+35814 0035814
Kimito+3582 003582
Kokkola+3586 003586
Koski Hl+3583 003583
Koski Tl+3582 003582
Kotka+3585 003585
Kouvola+3585 003585
Kuopio+35817 0035817
Kuusamo+3588 003588
Lahti+3583 003583
Lappeenranta+3585 003585
Lieksa+35813 0035813
Lohja+35819 0035819
Loimaa+3582 003582
Mariehamn+35818 0035818
Mikkeli+35815 0035815
Muonio+35816 0035816
Orivesi+3583 003583
Oulu+3588 003588
Padasjoki+3583 003583
Parkano+3583 003583
Pieksämäki+35815 0035815
Pori+3582 003582
Porvoo+35819 0035819
Raahe+3588 003588
Rauma+3582 003582
Rouvesi+3583 003583
Rovaniemi+35816 0035816
Saarijärvi+35814 0035814
Savonlinna+35815 0035815
Seinäjoki+3586 003586
Suonenjoki+35817 0035817
Tammerfors+3583 003583
Tampere+3583 003583
Tavastehus+3583 003583
Tornio+35816 0035816
Turku+3582 003582
Uleåbörg+3588 003588
Vaasa+3586 003586
Valkeakoski+3583 003583
Vammala+3583 003583
Vanda+3589 003589
Vantaa+3589 003589
Varkaus+35817 0035817
Vasa+3586 003586
Ylivieska+3588 003588

Photos of Finland

Some others countries codes

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N° ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code