Guyana country code is :

00 592 or +592
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Guyana.

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How to call Guyana ?

To call Guyana you need to dial like this : 00 + Guyana country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Guyana you always need to do 00592 + number, so it looks like 00 592XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 592 country code ?

00592 is Guyana country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Guyana from another country. This page concern only Guyana dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 592 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +592 or like 00592.

Guyana cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Guyana. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Guyana and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Guyana country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
  Adelphi+592326 00592326
  Adventure+592331 00592331
  Agricola+592233 00592233
  Aishalton+592773 00592773
  Amelia's Ward+592442 00592442
  Anna Catherina+592276 00592276
  Anna Regina+592771 00592771
  B/V Central+592220 00592220
  B/V Central+592234 00592234
  B/V West+592222 00592222
  B/V West+592272 00592272
  Bartica+592455 00592455
  Belladrum+592232 00592232
  Belmont+592228 00592228
  Benab+592338 00592338
  Blairmont+592327 00592327
  Canal No. 1+592271 00592271
  Cane Grove+592257 00592257
  Clonbrook+592259 00592259
  Cottage+592328 00592328
  Cove &+592 00592
  Crabwood Creek+592335 00592335
  Diamond+592265 00592265
  Edinburg+592336 00592336
  Enmore+592270 00592270
  Fort Wellington+592329 00592329
  Friendship+592774 00592774
  Georgetown+592218 00592218
  Georgetown+592219 00592219
  Georgetown+592223 00592223
  Georgetown+592225 00592225
  Georgetown+592226 00592226
  Georgetown+592227 00592227
  Georgetown+592231 00592231
  Georgetown+592263 00592263
  Goed Fortuin+592253 00592253
  Golden Grove+592255 00592255
  Good Hope+592279 00592279
  Hampshire+592322 00592322
  Hope West+592256 00592256
  Ituni+592441 00592441
  Joppa+592325 00592325
  Kwakwani+592440 00592440
  Land of Canaan+592266 00592266
592+592  Leonora 00592  Leonora
592+592  Lethem 00592  Lethem
592+592  Linden 00592  Linden
592+592  Long Creek 00592  Long Creek
592+592  Mabaruma 00592  Mabaruma
592+592  Mahaicony 00592  Mahaicony
592+592  Mahdia 00592  Mahdia
592+592  Matthews Ridge 00592  Matthews Ridge
592+592  Met-en-Meer-zorg 00592  Met-en-Meer-zorg
592+592  Mortice 00592  Mortice
592+592  New Amsterdam 00592  New Amsterdam
592+592  New Amsterdam 00592  New Amsterdam
592+592  New Road 00592  New Road
592+592  No. 40 00592  No. 40
592+592  No. 52 00592  No. 52
592+592  Parika 00592  Parika
592+592  Rosignol 00592  Rosignol
592+592  Sheet Anchor 00592  Sheet Anchor
592+592  Uitvlugt 00592  Uitvlugt
592+592  Vigilance 00592  Vigilance
592+592  Vreed-en-Hoop 00592  Vreed-en-Hoop
592+592  Wales 00592  Wales
592+592  Windsor Forest 00592  Windsor Forest
592+592  Zeeburg 00592  Zeeburg

Photos of Guyana

Some others countries codes

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N° ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code