Israel country code is :

00 972 or +972
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Israel.

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How to call Israel ?

To call Israel you need to dial like this : 00 + Israel country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Israel you always need to do 00972 + number, so it looks like 00 972XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 972 country code ?

00972 is Israel country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Israel from another country. This page concern only Israel dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 972 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +972 or like 00972.

Israel cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Israel. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Israel and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Israel country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Acre+9724 009724
Afula+9726 009726
Arad+9727 009727
Ariel+9723 009723
Ashdod+9728 009728
Ashkelon+9727 009727
Azur+9723 009723
Bat Yam+9723 009723
Beer Sheva+9727 009727
Beit Shean+9726 009726
Beit Shemesh+9722 009722
Bnei Brak+9723 009723
Carmiel+9724 009724
Dimona+9727 009727
Eilat+9727 009727
Even Yehuda+9729 009729
Givatayim+9723 009723
Hadera+9726 009726
Haifa+9724 009724
Herzliya+9729 009729
Hod Hasharon+9729 009729
Holon+9723 009723
Jerusalem+9722 009722
Karkur+9726 009726
Kfar Saba+9729 009729
Kiryat Ata+9724 009724
Kiryat Bialik+9724 009724
Kiryat Gat+9727 009727
Kiryat Malachi+9728 009728
Kiryat Motzkin+9724 009724
Kiryat Ono+9723 009723
Kiryat Shmona+9726 009726
Kiryat Tivon+9724 009724
Lod+9728 009728
Maale Adumim+9722 009722
Maalot Tarshiha+9724 009724
Mevasseret Zion+9722 009722
Mount Carmel+9722 009722
Nahariya+9724 009724
Nazereth+9726 009726
Nes Ziona+9728 009728
Netanya+9729 009729
Netivot+9727 009727
Or Akiva+9726 009726
Pardes Hana+9726 009726
Petah Tikva+9723 009723
Raanana+9729 009729
Ramle+9728 009728
Ramat Gan+9723 009723
Ramat Hasharon+9723 009723
Rehovot+9728 009728
Rishon Lezion+9723 009723
Rosh Haayin+9723 009723
Safed+9726 009726
Tel Aviv-Jaffa+9723 009723
Tiberias+9726 009726
Zichron Yaacov+9726009726

Photos of Israel

Some others countries codes

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ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code