Kyrgyzstan country code is :

00 996 or +996
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Kyrgyzstan.

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How to call Kyrgyzstan ?

To call Kyrgyzstan you need to dial like this : 00 + Kyrgyzstan country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Kyrgyzstan you always need to do 00996 + number, so it looks like 00 996XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 996 country code ?

00996 is Kyrgyzstan country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Kyrgyzstan from another country. This page concern only Kyrgyzstan dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 996 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +996 or like 00996.

Kyrgyzstan cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Kyrgyzstan. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Kyrgyzstan and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Kyrgyzstan country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Ala-Buka (Ala-Buka district)+9963741 009963741
Ananevo+9963942 009963942
Aravan (Aravan district)+9963231 009963231
At-Bashy (At-Bashy district)+9963534 009963534
Baetovo (Ak-Tala district)+9963537 009963537
Bakai-Ata (Bakai-Ata district)+9963457 009963457
Balykchy (City)+9963944 009963944
Batken+9963622 009963622
Bazar-Korgon (Bazar-Korgon district)+9963736 009963736
Belovodskoe (Moskovsky district)+9963131 009963131
Bishkek+996312 00996312
Bokonbaevo (Ton district)+9963947 009963947
Chaek (Jumgal district)+9963536 009963536
Cholpon-Ata (Issyk-Kul district)+9963943 009963943
Chuy-Tokmok (Chuy-Tokmok district)+9963138 009963138
Daroot-Korgon (Chon-Alai district)+9963237 009963237
Eski-Nookat (Nookat district)+9963230 009963230
Gulcha (Alai district)+9963234 009963234
Isphana (Laylak district)+9963656 009963656
Jalal-Abad+9963722 009963722
Kadjy-Sai (Ton district)+9963941 009963941
Kaindy (Panfilov district)+9963137 009963137
Kant (Issyk-Ata district)+9963132 009963132
Kanysh-Kya (Chatkal district)+9963759 009963759
Kara-Balta (Jayl district)+9963133 009963133
Kara-Kul (City)+9963746 009963746
Kara-Kulja (Kara-Kulja district)+9963239 009963239
Kara-Suu (Kara-Suu district)+9963232 009963232
Karakol+9963922 009963922
Kazarman (Toguz-Toro district)+9963738 009963738
Kemin (Kemin district)+9963135 009963135
Kerben (Aksy district)+9963742 009963742
Kochkorka (Kochkor district)+9963535 009963535
Kok-Gangak (City)+9963743 009963743
Kok-Oi (Talas district)+9963458 009963458
Kyzyl-Adyr (Kyzyl-Adyr district)+9963456 009963456
Kyzyl-Kya (City)+9963657 009963657
Kyzyl-Suu (Jety-Oguz district)+9963946 009963946
Lebedinovka (Alamudun district)+9963147 009963147
Mailuu-Suu (City)+9963744 009963744
Massy (Nooken district)+9963734 009963734
Naryn+9963522 009963522
Osh+9963222 009963222
Pokrovka (Manas district)+9963459 009963459
Pulgon (Kadamjay district)+9963655 009963655
Sokuluk (Sokuluk district)+9963134 009963134
Sulukta (City)+9963653 009963653
Suzak (Suzak district)+9963748 009963748
Talas+9963422 009963422
Tash-Kumyr (City)+9963745 009963745
Toktogul (Toktogul district)+9963747 009963747
Tup (Tup district)+9963945 009963945
Uzgen (Uzgen district)+9963233 009963233

Photos of Kyrgyzstan

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