Paraguay country code is :

00 595 or +595
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Paraguay.

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How to call Paraguay ?

To call Paraguay you need to dial like this : 00 + Paraguay country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Paraguay you always need to do 00595 + number, so it looks like 00 595XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 595 country code ?

00595 is Paraguay country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Paraguay from another country. This page concern only Paraguay dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 595 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +595 or like 00595.

Paraguay cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Paraguay. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Paraguay and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Paraguay country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
  Acahay+595535 00595535
  Alberdi+595780 00595780
  Aregua+595291 00595291
  Asuncion+59521 0059521
  Asuncion (Rural)+59592 0059592
  Atyra+595520 00595520
  Ayolas+59572 0059572
  Bella Vista Norte+59538 0059538
  Bella Vista Sur+595767 00595767
  Bella Vista Sur / Fixed Rural Cellular+595873 00595873
  Benjamin Aceval+595271 00595271
  Caacupe+595511 00595511
  Caaguazu+595522 00595522
  Caazapa+595542 00595542
  Capiata+59528 0059528
  Capiibary+595453 00595453
  Capitan Bado+59537 0059537
  Capitan Miranda+59571 0059571
  Capitan Miranda+595718 00595718
  Caraguatay+595517 00595517
  Carapegua+595532 00595532
  Cargil+595644 00595644
  Carmen Del Parana+595762 00595762
  Cedrales+595633 00595633
  Ciudad Del Este+59561 0059561
  Colonia Fram+595761 00595761
  Colonia Independencia+595548 00595548
  Colonia Loma Plata+595918 00595918
  Colonia Neuland+595951 00595951
  Colonia Nueva Esperanza+595464 00595464
  Colonia Obligado+595717 00595717
  Colonia Volendam+595451 00595451
  Colonia Yguazu+595632 00595632
  Concepcion+59531 0059531
  Coronel Bogado+595741 00595741
  Coronel Oviedo+595521 00595521
  Corpus Christi+595345 00595345
  Curuguaty+59548 0059548
  Emboscada+595529 00595529
  Eusebio Ayala+595514 00595514
  Filadelfia+59591 0059591
  Filadelfia (Rural)+59594 0059594
  General Delgado+595740 00595740
  General Diaz+595787 00595787
  General Elizardo Aquino+595418 00595418
  General Artigas+595743 00595743
  Guarambare+595293 00595293
  Hernandarias+595631 00595631
  Hoenau+59575 0059575
  Horqueta+59532 0059532
  Ita+59524 0059524
  Itacurubi De La Cordillera+595518 00595518
  Itacurubi Del Rosario+59541 0059541
  Itape+595554 00595554
  Itaugua+595294 00595294
  Jose Augusto Saldivar+595295 00595295
  Jose Domingo Ocampos+595527 00595527
  Juan E. O'Leary+595674 00595674
  Juan Eulogio Estigarribia+595528 00595528
  Juan Eulogio Estigarribia / Fixed Rural Cellular+595871 00595871
  Juan Leon Mallorquin+595675 00595675
  Juan Manuel Frutos+595524 00595524
  Kressburgo+595672 00595672
  La Colmena+595537 00595537
  La Paz+595763 00595763
  Loreto+59533 0059533
  Maria Auxiliadora+595764 00595764
  Mariscal Estigarribia+595952 00595952
  Mauricio Jose Troche+595550 00595550
  Mayor Otaño+595671 00595671
  Naranjal+595676 00595676
  Nueva Italia+595292 00595292
  Paraguari+595531 00595531
  Paso De Patria+595785 00595785
  Paso Yobay+595552 00595552
  Pedro Juan Caballero+59536 0059536
  Pilar+59586 0059586
  Pirapo+595768 00595768
  Pirayu+595519 00595519
  Piribebuy+595515 00595515
  Pozo Colorado (Rural)+59593 0059593
  Puente Kyha+59547 0059547
  Quiindy+595536 00595536
  Salto Del Guaira+59546 0059546
  San Alberto+595677 00595677
  San Bernardino+595512 00595512
  San Cosme+59573 0059573
  San Estanislao+59543 0059543
  San Ignacio / Misiones+59582 0059582
  San Jose De Los Arroyos+595523 00595523
  San Juan Bautista / Misiones+59581 0059581
  San Juan Neembucu+595784 00595784
  San Juan Nepomuceno+595544 00595544
  San Miguel / Misiones+595783 00595783
  San Pedro Del Parana+595742 00595742
  San Pedro Del Ycua Mandyju+59542 0059542
  San Roque Gonzalez De Santacruz+595538 00595538
  Santa Maràa / Misiones+595781 00595781
  Santa Rita+595673 00595673
  Santa Rosa / Misiones+595858 00595858
  Santa Rosa Del Monday+595678 00595678
  Santiago+595782 00595782
  Sapukai+595539 00595539
  Tebicuary+595553 00595553
  Tobati+595516 00595516
  Valle Mi+595351 00595351
  Vicente Ignacio Iturbe+595546 00595546
  Villa Del Rosario+59544 0059544
  Villa Florida+59583 0059583
  Villa Hayes+59526 0059526
  Villarrica+595541 00595541
  Villeta+59525 0059525
  Yaguaron+595533 00595533
  Yataity+595549 00595549
  Yby Ja'U+59539 0059539
  Ybycui+595534 00595534
  Yegros+595545 00595545
  Ypacarai+595513 00595513
  Ypane+595275 00595275
  Yuty+595547 00595547

Photos of Paraguay

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