Spain country code is :

00 34 or +34
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Spain.

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How to call Spain ?

To call Spain you need to dial like this : 00 + Spain country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Spain you always need to do 0034 + number, so it looks like 00 34XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 34 country code ?

0034 is Spain country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Spain from another country. This page concern only Spain dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 34 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +34 or like 0034.

Spain cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Spain. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Spain and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Spain country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Alava+34954 0034954
Albacete+34967 0034967
Alicante+3496 003496
Almeria+34950 0034950
Asturies+34985 0034985
Avila+34920 0034920
Badajoz+34924 0034924
Baleares+34971 0034971
Barcelone+3493 003493
Bilbao+3494 003494
Burgos+34947 0034947
Caceres+34927 0034927
Cadix+34956 0034956
Cantabrie+34942 0034942
Castellon+34964 0034964
Ceuta+34952 0034952
Cordoba+34957 0034957
La Corogne+34981 0034981
Cuenca+34969 0034969
Gerone (Girona)+34972 0034972
Grenade+34958 0034958
Guadalajara+34949 0034949
Guipuzcoa+34943 0034943
Huelva+34959 0034959
Huesca+34974 0034974
Igualada+3493 003493
Jaen+34953 0034953
La Rioja+34941 0034941
Las Palmas+34928 0034928
Leon+34987 0034987
Lerida+34973 0034973
Lugo+34982 0034982
Madrid+3491 003491
Malaga+3495 003495
Melilla+34952 0034952
Murcie+34968 0034968
Navarre+34948 0034948
Orense (Ourense)+34988 0034988
Palencia+34979 0034979
Palma de Mallorca+34971 0034971
Pampelune+34948 0034948
Pontevedra+34986 0034986
Salamanque+34923 0034923
Santa Cruz de Tenerife+34922 0034922
Santander+34942 0034942
Saragosse+34976 0034976
Segovia+34921 0034921
Seville+3495 003495
Soria+34945 0034945
Tarragone (Tarragona)+34977 0034977
Tenerife+34922 0034922
Teruel+34978 0034978
Tolede+34925 0034925
Torremolinos+34952 0034952
Valence+3496 003496
Valladolid+34983 0034983
Vizcaya+3494 003494

Photos of Spain

Some others countries codes

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