Sudan country code is :

00 249 or +249
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Sudan.

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How to call Sudan ?

To call Sudan you need to dial like this : 00 + Sudan country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Sudan you always need to do 00249 + number, so it looks like 00 249XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 249 country code ?

00249 is Sudan country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Sudan from another country. This page concern only Sudan dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 249 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +249 or like 00249.

Sudan cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Sudan. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Sudan and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Sudan country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Abri+249244 00249244
Abu Deleig+249267 00249267
Abu Gibieha+249633 00249633
Abu Hamad+249212 00249212
Abu Haraz+249513 00249513
Abu Hugar+249563 00249563
Abu Oshar+249542 00249542
Abu Zabad+249614 00249614
Adeela+249716 00249716
Alti+249544 00249544
Amantego / Nawa+249273 00249273
Argo+249243 00249243
Aroma+249412 00249412
Atbara+249211 00249211
Awiel+249844 00249844
Babanusa+249641 00249641
Bantio+249861 00249861
Bara+249612 00249612
Barakat+249516 00249516
Beika+249519 00249519
Buram+249714 00249714
Doka+249442 00249442
Dongola+249241 00249241
Durdeib+249325 00249325
Ed Elfirsan+249723 00249723
Eial Bakhit+249647 00249647
El Abassia+249632 00249632
El Abiddia+249217 00249217
El Burgeig+249245 00249245
El Dalang+249634 00249634
El Damar+249216 00249216
El Damazin+249551 00249551
El Dambo+249274 00249274
El Danagla+249514 00249514
El Daradir+249532 00249532
El Debba+249271 00249271
El Deien+249712 00249712
El Dewiem+249531 00249531
El Dibeibat+249613 00249613
El Dindir+249564 00249564
El Fao+249521 00249521
El Fashir+249731 00249731
El Foola+249644 00249644
El Gabalain+249574 00249574
El Gazira Aba+249577 00249577
El Gedarif+249441 00249441
El Geiger+249834 00249834
El Ghaba+249272 00249272
El Gineina+249741 00249741
El Gorashi+249515 00249515
El Gorier+249232 00249232
El Hafeer+249248 00249248
El Haj Abdalla+249518 00249518
El Hawata+249443 00249443
El Hesahesa+249541 00249541
El Kawah+249534 00249534
El Kreimit+249517 00249517
El Laaid+249717 00249717
El Mafaza+249446 00249446
El Masalamia+249548 00249548
El Mazroob+249655 00249655
El Muglad+249643 00249643
El Nihud+249642 00249642
El Obied+249611 00249611
El Rahad+249621 00249621
El Renk+249833 00249833
El Rosiris+249552 00249552
El Showak+249445 00249445
El Sofi+249536 00249536
El Soki+249565 00249565
El Tawila+249734 00249734
El Tina+249732 00249732
El Tweisha+249738 00249738
El Zooma+249236 00249236
For Baranga+249743 00249743
Fuga+249648 00249648
Garsila+249742 00249742
Gharia 10+249523 00249523
Ghubiesh+249646 00249646
Gureida+249745 00249745
Habila+249638 00249638
Hamrat Elsheikh+249652 00249652
Hamrat Elwith+249654 00249654
Haya+249324 00249324
Hieglieg+249645 00249645
Jabeit+249323 00249323
Jabrat Elsheikh+249616 00249616
Juba+249811 00249811
Kadogli+249631 00249631
Kalogi+249635 00249635
Karima+249231 00249231
Karkoj+249569 00249569
Kas+249715 00249715
Kassala+249411 00249411
Kenana+249576 00249576
Khartoum+2491 002491
Khashm El Gibra+249422 00249422
Korti+249237 00249237
Kosti+249571 00249571
Malakal+249831 00249831
Marawi+249234 00249234
Medani+249511 00249511
Melliet+249733 00249733
New Halfa+249421 00249421
Nuri+249233 00249233
Nyala+249711 00249711
Osli+249238 00249238
Port Sudan+249311 00249311
Rabak+249572 00249572
Raja+249843 00249843
Rashad+249636 00249636
Rehied El Birdi+249722 00249722
Rufa'A+249545 00249545
Sarif Amra+249736 00249736
Sawakin+249312 00249312
Sennar+249561 00249561
Shabasha+249533 00249533
Sheikh Sharif+249242 00249242
Shendi+249261 00249261
Singa+249562 00249562
Sinkat+249321 00249321
Sodari+249651 00249651
Suker Sennar+249566 00249566
Tabat+249546 00249546
Tambul+249543 00249543
Tangasi+249235 00249235
Teibat El Khwaat Wad Hamid+249262 00249262
Teibat El Khwaat Wad Hamid+249266 00249266
Tendalti+249573 00249573
Tokar+249322 00249322
Tulus+249718 00249718
Um Badir+249653 00249653
Um Dukhun+249737 00249737
Um El Gura+249522 00249522
Um Kaddada+249735 00249735
Um Rwaba+249624 00249624
Um Shoka+249567 00249567
Wad El Hilaiw+249444 00249444
Wad El Nayal+249568 00249568
Wad El Zaki+249535 00249535
Wadi Halfa+249251 00249251
Wau+249841 00249841
Zalingi+249713 00249713

Photos of Sudan

Some others countries codes

Erreur : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code