Tajikistan country code is :

00 992 or +992
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Tajikistan.

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How to call Tajikistan ?

To call Tajikistan you need to dial like this : 00 + Tajikistan country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Tajikistan you always need to do 00992 + number, so it looks like 00 992XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 992 country code ?

00992 is Tajikistan country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Tajikistan from another country. This page concern only Tajikistan dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 992 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +992 or like 00992.

Tajikistan cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Tajikistan. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Tajikistan and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Tajikistan country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Abdurakhmana Jami (former Khudjamaston)+9923243 009923243
Asht+9923453 009923453
Ayni+9923479 009923479
Bokhtar+9923245 009923245
Chkalovsk+9923451 009923451
Dangara+9923312 009923312
Darvaz (former Kalaykhumb)+9923552 009923552
Djilikul+9923248 009923248
Dushanbe+992372 00992372
Fayzabad+9923135 009923135
Gafurov+9923442 009923442
Ganchi+9923464 009923464
Hissar+9923139 009923139
Isfara+9923462 009923462
Ishkashim+9923553 009923553
Istravshan+9923454 009923454
Jabarrasulov (former Proletarskiy)+9923455 009923455
Jirgital+9923132 009923132
Kabodion+9923251 009923251
Kanibadam+9923467 009923467
Kayrakum+9923443 009923443
Khorog+9923522 009923522
Khovaling+992331700 00992331700
Khujand+9923422 009923422
Khuroson (former Gozimalik)+9923242 009923242
Kolkhozabad+9923247 009923247
Kulyab+9923322 009923322
Kumsangir (C. Dusti)+9923249 009923249
Kurgan-Tube+9923222 009923222
M. Khamadoni+9923315 009923315
Matchinskiy (C. Buston)+9923445 009923445
Muminobod+9923318 009923318
Murgab+9923554 009923554
Nurek+9923138 009923138
Nurobod (former Darband)+9923133 009923133
Panj+9923252 009923252
Parkhar+9923316 009923316
Pendjikent+9923475 009923475
Rasht (former Garm)+9923131 009923131
Rogun+9923134 009923134
Roshtkala+9923555 009923555
Rudaki (former Leninskiy)+9923137 009923137
Rushan+9923556 009923556
Rydaki (former Leninsky)+992474 00992474
Sarband+9923250 009923250
Shaartuz+9923240 009923240
Shakhrinav+9923155 009923155
Shakhristan+9923456 009923456
Spitamen (former Nou)+9923441 009923441
Taboshar+9923465 009923465
Tadjikabad+9923154 009923154
Tavildara+9923156 009923156
Temurmalik+9923314 009923314
Tursun-Zade+9923130 009923130
Vakhdat (former Kofarnikhon)+9923136 009923136
Vakhsh+9923246 009923246
Vanj+9923551 009923551
Varzob+9923153 009923153
Vose+9923311 009923311
Yavan+9923141 009923141
Zafarabad+9923452 009923452

Photos of Tajikistan

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